Pizza Toast (BLW)


1 slice of bread or split English muffin: , 1 tsp tomato puree: , 15-25g grated cheese: , dried oregano or mixed herbs: , toppints:


1Preheat the grill to high. Toast or Grill the bread on one side.

2Bread: untoasted side up Spread 1 tsp tomato puree Add toppings Sprinkle herbs scatter 15-25g grated cheese

3Under grill: 4-5 minutes until melt. or bake at 160c for 10-15minutes. cut into fingers or triangles. serve warm.

4toppings chopped ham, bacon, salami, pepperoni lean minced beef ,shredded chicken tuna, sardines(in oil) sliced mushrooms sliced tomatoes sliced capsicum sweet corn spinach, broccoli, leek olives (in loive oil)

5example: Sweetcorn & ham& mushrooms: sliced-sauteed black olives & baby courgette: thinly sliced & sauteed sliced cherry tomatoes & strips sweet pepper


  • French toast
  • French Toast
  • Pizza
  • pizza
  • pizza
  • pizza
  • pizza
  • PIZZA~~~
  • pizza
  • pizza
  • PIZZA~~~~
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  • Rosemary French toast(早餐)
  • French Toast Roll-Ups
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  • 彩虹PIZZA
  • 豆渣pizza
  • Mr.Pizza
  • 平底鍋Pizza
  • 末日Pizza
  • pizza麵包
  • 咖喱PIZZA
  • 素PIZZA
  • pan-pizza
  • DIY Pizza
  • 新手Pizza
  • 什錦PIZZA
  • 餡餅pizza
  • 自製pizza
  • 平底鍋pizza
  • BBQ-Pizza