ricotta 芝士: 500g, 糖粉: 110g, 香草: 1/2~1茶匙, 檸檬屑: 中等大小, 中筋麵粉: 540g, 泡打粉: 1湯匙, 糖粉: 155g, 雞蛋: 三個, 牛奶: 120ml, 融化黃油: 115g, 餅乾表面的糖粉: , 紅色或者粉色食用色素: , 朗姆酒: , 薄荷葉:
1芝士餡 ricotta芝士和糖在攪拌碗中攪拌至奶油狀,加入橙皮屑和香草精直到混合均勻,蓋上保鮮膜備用
2餅乾 預熱烤箱到180度,預備好兩個餅乾烤盤和烘焙紙。 過篩麵粉和泡打粉到大的攪拌碗中 另外準備一個碗,把雞蛋和糖攪拌到充分混合。再加入牛奶,化過的黃油和檸檬屑,充分攪拌 將上述的液體和粉類充分混合 用手將麵糰整形。如果麵糰沾手,可再加一到兩湯匙麵粉。靜置麵糰五分鐘 用勺子將麵糰分成44-48個小球,放在看盤上,每個球間隔2.5cm,將小球稍稍按扁一點 烤15分鐘直到餅乾底部變色(頂部還是白色)Rotate the pan halfway through baking(這一部分沒看明白). As you take the first tray of cookies out, put the second one in the oven. While the cookies are still warm, cut a circle in the bottom of each cookie and scoop out enough of a cookie for it to hold some filling. (Be careful, don't pierce the cookie too deep or you risk breaking it.) Set aside. Do the same with the second tray. Find a pair for each cookie, you want the halves of the peach to be of similar size
3Assemble Fill each cookie hole with enough ricotta filling that it covers it (about a teaspoon). Press the two flat sides of each half together and gently wipe away any filling that comes out at the edge. Brush each peach with food coloring, gently roll it in sugar and place on a large plate. Continue with the rest of the cookies. Chill cookies, covered with plastic wrap, for a few hours before serving. This will harden the ricotta and moisten the cookies. Decorate the cookies with small mint leaves before serving, to mimic peach leaves. These cookies keep for about 4 days and taste best on the first two days. Leave them out at room temperature for about 10-15 minutes before serving.