1.蛋白和砂糖打至乾性發泡; 2.烤箱預熱180度; 3.椰絲和玉米粉混合後加入蛋白,用手搓成1.5厘米大小圓球排入烤盤,放烤箱中上層烤約15分鐘即可。 超級�嗦: 1.關於家庭使用的小烤箱,因為品牌規格都不盡相同,溫度可能會有稍許誤差,這個要靠使用者自己在使用過程中慢慢摸索,所以烤箱的溫度大家可以根據自己烤箱的
特點略作調整; 2.烤東西的時間也不是一成不變的,比如這款球形餅乾,即使都按1.5厘米大小製作,但每一盤放餅乾的數量也可多可少,相對來說多時烤制的時間就略長,少呢也就相應的減少一兩分鐘。 Coconut Balls (makes a 12’’ baking tray of coconut balls) Ingredients: Egg white: 2 Caster sugar: 50g Coconut flakes: 100g Corn flour: 15g Directions: 1) Mix egg white and caster sugar, whisk until stiff peak; 2) Preheat the oven to 180C; 3) Combine the coconut flakes with corn flour, and add in the whisked egg white; Shape the mixture to 1.5cm diameter balls by hands and place them into a baking tray; Put the tray into the higher-medium shelf of the oven, bake for about 15 minutes. Finish