【鱿鱼雍菜 Squid and Water Spinach with Sweet sauce】


材料:, 1) 雍菜, 2) 鱿鱼, , 酱料:, 1) 浓缩甜酱, 2) 虾膏 (加一点热水调稀,然后再加入浓缩甜酱,搅拌均匀 ), 3) 辣椒煳, 4) 炒香花生碎和白芝麻, 5) 桔子



1) 把鱿鱼洗干净,切花/切条,用热水烫至熟,捞起,沥干,待用。

2) 把雍菜洗干净,切段,用热水烫半熟,捞起,沥干,待用。

3) 把雍菜,鱿鱼铺盘,倒上甜酱, 辣椒糊 ,撒上花生碎,挤上桔子汁,即可。


  • 咖喱菠菜乌冬(Curried Udon with Carrot and Spinach)
  • 麻酱油麦菜拌面( Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce and Lettuce)
  • 麻酱油麦菜拌面( Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce and Lettuce)
  • Iron squid
  • 菠萝咕咾天贝(Sweet and Sour Tempeh with Pineapple)
  • Quinoa,Kale and Sweet potato Salad
  • 豆腐橄榄青酱意面(Pasta with Tofu Spinach Celery Pesto Sauce)
  • 芦笋蘑菇奶油意面( Penne with Mushroom,Asparagus and Cream Sauce)
  • 芦笋蘑菇奶油意面( Penne with Mushroom,Asparagus and Cream Sauce)
  • 嫩菠菜叶葡萄松子沙拉 Spinach Salad with Grapes and Pine Nuts
  • 菠菜炒鸡蛋 Fried Spinach with Egg
  • 土豆菠菜沙拉 Spinach Salad with Potato
  • 黄米小米镶彩椒(Stuffed Sweet Pepper with Yellow Rice and Millet)
  • 煎三文鱼配sweet ginger sauce
  • 西兰花番茄意面(Whole Wheat Pasta with Broccoli and Tomato Sauce)
  • 南瓜意面(Spaghetti with Pumpkin Sauce)
  • infused water
  • Detox Water
  • detox water
  • 烧烤酱鸡胸墨西哥卷饼 Taco-Tortilla and Grilling Chicken with BBQ Sauce
  • 茄汁烩菠菜土豆玉米球(Spinach, Potato and Corn Balls with Tomato Paste)
  • 焗烤水煮蛋配菠菜吐司-Poached and gratinated eggs with spinach-
  • 老醋菠菜花生/Vinegar spinach and peanut salad
  • Potato and leek soup with fried parsley
  • 【梅酱排骨 Plum Sauce with Pork ribs】
  • 南瓜sweet
  • 菠萝咕咾肉 Sweet and Sour Pineapple Pork
  • 鲜虾红薯饼.Prawn and sweet potato cakes.
  • 【糖醋金昌鱼 Sweet and sour Golden Pompano】
  • 【糖醋金昌鱼 Sweet and sour Golden Pompano】
  • 雪菜鱿鱼
  • honey lemon water
  • 西瓜Detox Water
  • Crispy Duck and Watermelon Salad with Toasted Cashews
  • Orange Polenta cake with Yoghurt and Pecan topping