Tartine #4 Heirloom cherry tomatoes, balsamic pickled red onion, basil


樱桃番茄(圣女果),彩色最好: , balsamic pickled red onion,黑醋泡的洋葱: , capers意大利酸豆: , 新鲜罗勒叶: , 欧包/法棍:


1Heirloom 是多种颜色的圣女果,味道偏甜,可用普通圣女果代替

2黑醋泡洋葱有罐装的,自己做也可以,方子如下 *Balsamic pickled red onion recipe (makes one jar) Ingredients: 4 small red onions, halved and thinly sliced 100ml balsamic vinegar 150ml white wine vinegar 100ml water 2 tbsp sugar 1 tsp salt 1. Combine white wine vinegar, sugar, salt and water in a pan and bring to the boil. Turn down the eat and simmer for three minutes. 2. Add the red onion. Simmer red onion for 6-7 minutes until just tender. Remove the red onion with a slotted spoon to a separate container and continue to cook the vinegar for a few minutes. 3. Remove vinegar from the heat and stir in balsamic vinegar. Pour over red onions and leave for at least 15 mins before using.




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  • 哥本哈根4
  • 青团 (4月4日)
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  • 哥本哈根DAY4