白芷5克 玉竹5克 薏米50克 土鸡半只 姜1块调料:盐1茶匙(5克)
1) 将土鸡洗净。锅中到入水大火煮沸后,放入鸡焯烫至变色后捞出,锅中的水倒掉不要。姜切成片,或用刀拍散。白芷,玉竹和薏米用清水洗净。 2)将焯好的鸡放入砂锅中,一次性倒入足量冷水,大火煮开后,改成小火,放入姜片,白芷,玉竹和薏米,盖上盖子用小火煲2小时,最后调入盐即可。 超级�嗦: 这是我常年以来,每月都喝的一款美白养肤汤,经过数年的实践,我可以很负责的说,功效大大滴。皮肤美白,是每个爱美女孩永生的追求,俺也不例外哈,今天贡献出来,大家一起变漂漂哈。 这款汤中的薏米,一定要放,除了有针对皮肤美白的功效之外,还可以是汤变得粘稠,喝起来口感特别好。 白芷和玉竹都不要放过量,否则药味重,可以初尝的人会不习惯哈。补充下,白芷和玉竹药店有售,薏米超市有卖。土鸡,如果买不到,可以用乌鸡或超市的柴鸡替代。 再附送网友曾给我的一个美容面膜哈,将白芷,茯苓,薏米按照1:1:1的比例打碎成粉末,用酸奶调好后敷面,美白效果也特别好。而且价格便宜。 Whitening and Beauty Soup Ingredients: Taiwan angelica root ( bai zhi ): 5g Fragrant solomonseal rhizome ( yu zhu ): 5g Barley: 50g Free-range chicken: a half Ginger: 1 Seasoning: Salt: 1 teaspoon (5g) Directions: 1)Clean and wash the free-range chicken;Boil enough water over high-heat with a saucepan, then put in the chicken, blanch it;Take out the chicken after its colour changes, and clean out the rest water; Slice the ginger or beat it with cooking knife;Thoroughly wash the Taiwan angelica root ( bai zhi ), fragrant solomonseal rhizome ( yu zhu ), and Barley; 2)Put the blanched chicken into a soup pot, and add in all aomunt of the water at a time;Heat the soup over high-heat until boil, then turn to small and medium-heat; Add in ginger slices, Taiwan angelica root ( bai zhi ), fragrant solomonseal rhizome ( yu zhu ), and barley, cap the pot and cook for about 2 hours; Finally, before serving, season the soup with a little salt. Finish