Pesto Tagliolini


Tagliolini: 4, Pesto Sauce: 2 tbsp, Bacon: 3, White Button Mashroom: 100g, Olive Oil: 1 tsp, Dried Herbs: to taste, Sea Salt: to taste


1Julienne mushroom and bacon

2In a deep pot, cook mushroom in olive oil over medium heat.

3When the juice is coming out of mushroom, add in bacon. Season with salt and herbs to taste.

4Off heat, add in pesto sauce. Blend well.

5Meanwhile, boil salted water in pot. Add tagliolini when boiled, cook for 2-3 mins.

6Dried the tagliolini, and blend in the sauce. Optionally, add a little bit of pasta water to thicken the sauce.

7Serve with cheese if you like. Enjoy!


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