Pasta-KISS principle- Keep It Stupid Simple


The idea behind this dish is that u cook your linguine in a measured amount of stock, rather than a massive pan of water. Throw in your raw ingredients; garlic, cherry tomatoes, Parmesan and herbs, to cook as one----marrying together to form perfectly cooked pasta and a silky smooth sauce.


linguine(意大利扁面条) 100g/portion, cherry tomatoes 125g/portion, onion half/portion, garlic cloves 1/portion, fresh basil(罗勒) 10g/portion, dried oregano(牛至) 0.5 tbsp/portion, chilli flakes 0.25 tbsp/portion, vegetable stock cube 0.5/portion, rennet-free Parmesan(不含凝乳酶的意大利干酪) 15g/portion


1- Add the stock cube and 350ml of boiled water to a pot large enough to fit all the ingredients

2- Meanwhile, peel and slice the onion finely

3- Once the stock is boiling, reduce the heat to medium and add the linguine

4- Season with 1 tbsp of olive oil, 0.5 tbsp of each of the sugar and black pepper

5- Stir continuously until a sauce has formed, add more water if necessary

6- Add the remaining Parmesan and basil (reserve some of both ingredients for serving) to the pot

7- Season to your taste with salt and pepper

8- Sparkle on the remaining Parmesan and basil




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