凉拌金针菇 Enoki Mushroom


金针菇 Enoki Mushroom: 2 包/packs, 小米椒 Hot pepper: 5 根/pieces, 大蒜 Garlic: 半头/ half bulb, 葱 Scallion: 几根/ few piece, 盐 Salt: 少许/ a pinch, 糖 Sugar: 少许/ a pinch, 酱油 Soy Sauch: 15 毫升/ ML, 油 Oil: 10 毫升/ ML


1准备食材 Prepare the materials

2清洗金针菇, 小米椒、葱、蒜切碎 Wash the Enoki Mushroom, cut the hot pepper, garlic and scallion into pieces.

3金针菇焯水,放入盘中,撒上小米椒、葱、蒜。取一小碗,加入盐,糖和酱油搅拌均匀。热锅,倒入油, 等油热后关火,将热油浇在金针菇上。 再将调好的酱汁倒入锅中,利用锅的余温加热酱汁,倒入金针菇的盘中。 Boil the Enoki Mushroom, place them in a plate, strew the hot pepper/scallion/garlic on the top. Take a small bowl, adding salt, sugar and soy sauce, give it a good mix. Heat the pan, adding oil, after the oil is heated, turn off the fire and add the hot oil into the plate. Pour the sauce into the pan, use the after-heat in the pan to heat the sauce. This process only needs couple seconds, pour the sauce into the plate.

4简单有快手~好吃不肉~邪恶的说句:SEE YOU TOMORROW :P Bon Appétit. See you tomorrow :P


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