artichoke hearts: 1 can, chopped spinach: 两三把, cream cheese: 1 block (8oz) or so, minced garlic: 三四办, chopped onion: 1/4 cup, diced ham/ sausage: 1/4 cup, puff pastry: 一盒就够做18个左右, butter: 1 tbsp, beat egg: 1, lining paper: for muffin tin, parmesan cheese, Rose Mary/dill/other herbs: for topping
1中火热锅 加黄油
2蒜头跟洋葱一起下去炒比较不会焦 炒出香味
3加切好的菠菜搅一搅 顺便drain artichoke can 然后切小一点
4加artichoke再加ham 或是其他肉炒一下
5不吝啬地加入cream cheese 后炒,味见一下咸度,不够或者太酸的话加一点garlic salt
6切puff pastry成方块 and line muffin tin with muffin papers
10加一点parmesan cheese跟 dill或是 rose marry on top 后入烤箱400华氏 15-20分
11趁热吃才会脆 而且要尽快从tin拿出来才不会变软
Artichoke会酸 要酌量使用。边taste边调食材 Cream cheese 也记得要放室温50分左右才开始做