Fruit tart (crust)


All purpose flour: 2 1/2 cups, granulated sugar: 1/4 cup, lemon zest: 1 1/2 teaspoons, salt: 1/4 teaspoon, vanilla paste: 1 teaspoon, baking powder: 1 1/2 teaspoons, unsalted butter (room temperature): 1 cup, eggs: 2


1On your counter add the flour, sugar, vanilla, pandegliangeli, lemon zest, sugar and butter and start combining all your ingredients together.

2Add the eggs and liquor and continue to mix in your ingredients adding more flour as necessary and kneading it until you have a smooth dough formed.

3Grease 2 10” tart pans and set aside. Divide the dough in half and roll each piece until its about ⅛” thick. Place each piece of rolled dough in the tart pans making sure to trim the excess. Using a form, prick the bottom and sides of the pan a few times. Bake them in a 375 degree oven for about 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown, allow them to cool completely!

4To assemble the tart, divide your cream between the two tart shells, decorate them with the fruit of your choice in any pattern you like and gently spoon the tortagel mixture over the fruit making sure to cover the fruit completely!!

5Pop the tarts in the fridge for about an hour or until the gelatin is completely set!


  • 法式水果挞 tarte aux fruits
  • Pizza, Thin Crust
  • Fruit Cake
  • | Fruits Album |
  • Fruit salad
  • Fruit Cake
  • tarte 芒果
  • Strawberry-Pistachio Tart 草莓开心果tart
  • tarte aux 橙子
  • 6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust
  • mixed fruit milk shake
  • 水果布丁(Fruit pudding)
  • 水果蛋糕Fruit Cake
  • 草莓挞--Strawberry Tart
  • 椰子塔 (Coconut Tart)
  • 草莓挞 Strawberry Tart
  • 柠檬塔 lemon tart
  • Apple Tart(苹果塔)
  • pizza(fruit & cream sauce)
  • nuts and fruits yogurt pie
  • 法式苹果挞Tarte Tatin
  • 栗子挞 Tarte aux marrons
  • Peach Tart 黄桃挞
  • 酥皮蛋挞-Egg Tart
  • Tarte Tatin 法式苹果挞
  • 奇异果挞 Kiwifruit Tart
  • Apple Tart - warm or cold
  • 【马铃薯饼皮批萨 Potato crust pizza】
  • 菠萝冰茶 Fruit Ice Tea
  • 杨梅冰茶 Fruit Ice Tea
  • Fruit crumble水果烤面屑
  • Apple Caramel Tart 焦糖苹果挞
  • French Apple Tart - 法式苹果塔
  • 椰子杏仁鲜果塔 Tropical Tart