参巴辣酱 Sambal Belacan


指天椒 chilli padi: 10根 10pcs, 辣椒 chilli: 5根 5pcs, 葱蒜 shallots: 8个 8pcs, 香茅 lemongrass: 4根 4 stalls, 蓝姜(姜也可以)galangal (ginger): 1块 1pc, 虾酱 belachan: 1小块 1pc


1把材料准备好,切成小块 Cut the ingredients into pieces

2把虾酱放入干锅热一下,去除腥味 Toast the belachan on a dry pan to remove its fishy smell

3把烤好的虾酱,随着其它材料,放入搅拌器内打碎 Grind all the ingredients in a blender

4打碎后的样子 This is how it looks after it is grounded

5在锅里加半碗的菜油,把绞好的材料放入锅内煎 Add in half a cup of oil and fry the ground ingredients

6煎的目的是把材料的水分煎掉,让辣椒酱的味道浓缩,但是不要把辣椒酱煎糊。需要煎十五到二十分钟 The objective is to remove the moisture of the ingredients and intensify the flavor but make sure that you do not burn it. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes

7煎好凉了后,可以装罐或碗,放入冰箱保存四周左右 After frying it, leave to cool for a while and keep in a jar or bowl. This should keep in the fridge for about four weeks


煎时,油放多点。最后收藏的时候,可以把多余的油滤掉 When frying, be generous with the oil. You can always leave the excess oil aside when you remove it


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