茹素鲍菇 Sauté shiitake & baby bochoy


新鲜香菇 shiitake: 4, 青菜 baby bochoy: 3, 胡椒粉 pepper: , 喜马拉雅粉盐 himalaya pink salt: , 生粉 corn starch: 1 tsp 一匙, 橄榄油 olive oil:


1新鲜香菇去蒂,切除边,上锅煎比较平整。 Remove the tips of shiitake and trim the edgy off to make them flat on the pan.

2横竖花刀在香菇上切出花纹,不要切断。在表面撒上橄榄油、胡椒粉,粉盐。 Gentle slice half way follow the path as shown in the picture. Don't chop all the way down! Drizzle the shiitakes with dash of olive oil and sprinkle some pepper and salt.

3切下的香菇边缘可以切碎,青菜切段。 Chop the edges of shiitake into small pieces and chop the baby bochoy on to large chunks.

4在香菇中插入牙签保持形状,下锅干煎至香菇出水,拿出待用。 Use toothpicks and stick into the shiitakes to help them maintain the shape when they are heated up in the pan. When shiitakes turns juicy get them out and set aside.

5热锅放入橄榄油,放入青菜和香菇碎,出水后滑入煎好的香菇,取出牙签。 Use olive oil. Fry baby bochoy and chopped shiitakes first in the pan. Sauté for a while and than put the pre sautéd shiitake in. Make sure you get the toothpick out!

6完成! Done and done!


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