

牛里脊肉100克  蒜苗300克  干红辣椒3颗 调料:料酒1茶匙(5ml)老抽1/2茶匙(3ml)淀粉1茶匙(5克)清水2汤匙(30ml)甜面酱1汤匙(15ml)  味精1/4茶匙(1克)


1)牛肉先横著纹理切成片,再改刀切成丝。放入碗中倒入料酒,老抽和淀粉搅拌均匀后,放在一旁腌制; 2)将蒜苗的头摘去,整根洗净后,用刀先将尾部切下一点,再改刀切成3厘米长的段; 3)锅烧热倒入油,待油7成热时,放入牛肉丝煸炒至变色后捞出备用; 4)锅中留底油,放入干红辣椒,再放入蒜苗煸炒3分钟,倒入清水继续炒1分钟,调入甜面酱不断用铲子翻炒至均匀(约30秒钟左右),将肉丝倒回锅中,撒入味精即可。 超级�嗦 : 这个蔬菜在北京叫蒜苗,而其他很多城市的人管它叫蒜薹,而他们叫蒜苗的东西,我们又叫青蒜。每次用蒜苗和青蒜做菜,我都要在这里不断的�嗦,以免出现误会。 牛里脊肉很嫩,很容易熟,在炒至的过程中只要变色就可以了,不要过度烹制,否则肉质变硬反而影响口感。 **这道菜,用甜面酱来调味,有一种甜丝丝的酱香口感,除此之外在炒制的过程中,不需要再添加盐和酱油了,很常见的一种调料,其实在很多菜中,都可以尝试让甜面酱登场一试。我一直使用的是六必居的甜面酱,超市里都有卖的,好像是1块钱左右。 Stir- Fried Beef and Garlic Stem Ingredients: Beef fillet: 100g Garlic stem: 300g Dried chili pepper: 3 Seasonings: Cooking wine: 1 teaspoon(5ml) Dark soy sauce: 1/2 teaspoon(3ml) Starch: 1 teaspoon(5g) Water: 2 soupspoon(30ml) Sweet soybean paste: 1 soupspoon(15ml) Monosodium glutamate(MSG): 1/4 teaspoon(1g) Directions: 1) Slice the beef fillet across its grain firstly and then finely shred them; Put the finely shredded beef in a bowl, add and mix well the cooking wine, dark soy sauce, and starch, marinade for a while; 2) Pick off the garlic stems and wash thoroughly, cut off the ends and then chop the stems into 3cm length; 3) Heat up the wok and pour in some oil; When the oil is very hot (7/10 heat), add in the finely shredded beef and stir-fry, take out until the colour changes; 4) Leave the rest oil in the wok, put in the dried chili pepper, and then the chopped garlic stems, stir-fry for 3 minutes; Pour in the water and keep on stir-frying for 1 more minute; Add the sweet bean paste, constantly mix well all the ingredients with the cooking ladle(for about 30 seconds); Add in the stir-fried finely shredded beef and finally sprinkle a little MSG. Finish


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