

榴槤肉durian: 100g, 玉米油corn oil: 50ml, 雞蛋egg: 4隻, 低筋麵粉cake flour: 60g, 白糖sugar: 50g, 檸檬汁lemonade: 幾滴several drops, 鹽salt: 0.5g, 香草精vanilla serum: 幾滴several drops


1取100g榴槤肉 get 100g durian meat

2烘焙紙裁成需要尺寸放進8寸蛋糕模 Cut wax paper to fit and place into 8」 cake pan

3準備所有材料,分離蛋清蛋白,蛋白冷凍約5分鐘 get all ready and freeze egg white about 5 mins

4玉米油加熱至微沸,關火倒入過篩麵粉 heat corn oil to micro-boiling, turn off fire then mix with sieved flour

5攪拌均勻 mix well

6放入榴槤肉拌勻 put durian first into mixture, mix

7放入蛋黃拌勻 get egg together, blend mixture until free from lumps

8裝一盤水放進烤箱中下層,開始預熱烤箱150°C Fill a pan with water, place in the lower layer of oven and turn on oven 300°F

9從冰箱拿出蛋白,這是邊緣開始結冰,加入鹽,幾滴香草精和檸檬汁 Take out egg white, it is icing up about the edges, put inside salt, vanilla and lemonade

10先高速打發蛋白至粗泡,再分3次加入白糖,轉低速打發 Beat over a high speed briefly, after that, add sugar in 3 times, adjust to the low speed

11打發至濕性發泡 Beat to soft peak

12先加1/3蛋白至蛋黃糊攪拌均勻 add 1/3 egg white into egg yolk, batter and combine

13把蛋黃糊加入蛋白中翻拌均勻 Fold all together

14翻拌手法 Folding way

15將蛋糕糊倒進蛋糕模輕摔兩下磕出大氣泡,放進烤箱烤60~7分鐘 Fill in cake pan, shake out the air and place on middle shelf of oven. Steam bake in 300°F for 60~70 mins

16取出蛋糕倒扣在網架上幾分鐘,撕掉烘焙紙掰開就可以吃啦嗷嗚~ Remove from pan, invert cake onto rack for 5 mins. It’s done now, enjoy!


榴槤不要隨便隨便加量,不然蛋糕會很濕喵~ Please don』t change how much the durian.


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