Intro. 另一個菜肴收納在「yanyan新手下廚」的菜單里,很簡單而且很美味,無論作為午餐或晚餐都可以搭配其它菜肴一起享用。這道菜味道濃郁,食材健康,搭配任何菜肴一起食用都很不錯。一個健康的菜肴奉獻給人家吧。 Another dish from the yanyan Basic’s menu that is easy to make and a very delicious addition to the other dishes you will serve at lunch or dinner. This dish is a light fresh dish with very healthy ingredients so not only is it delicious and great in combination with meat dishes it’s also really healthy for the whole family.
蒜薹 400g, 木耳 50g, 雞蛋 2個, 生抽醬油 1茶勺, 老抽醬油 1茶勺, 蔥、姜 適量, 油、鹽 適量