Grilled T-bone steak, medium rare, smoke-free


T-bone or ribeye steak: 3.5 cm thick


1Use steak of > 1 inch thick (about 3.5 cm). Mix seasonings (for two large T-bones) 4 tsp Malden salt 2 tsp smoked paprika 1.5 tsp freshly ground black pepper 3/4 tsp ground coriander 3/4 tsp ground turmeric 2 tsp sugar 3/4 tsp onion powder or 1/2 fresh minced shallot 3/4 tsp garlic powder or 2 fresh minced cloves of garlic 3/4 tsp cayenne pepper or 1/4 fresh minced chilli 1 tbsp Indonesian soy sauce (sweet dark soy sauce) Leave in marinade for preferably 24-48hrs in the fridge. 10-30min prior to cooking, remove from fridge to return to room temperature.

2Preheat oven to max temperature (250C). At this time, if desire grilled vegetables, slot these in first for ten minutes. The steak can also be served with Korean bbq wrap ingredients which can be prepped at this stage.

3Change oven setting to grill. Place steak on the rack or metal tray and grill for 3-4 min on each side.

4Take out tray and rest steak. Meanwhile heat a grill pan. Place steak on grill pan for 1 min on each side. If needed, hold the steak vertically to grill the fat a little longer without cooking the rest of the meat. Rest steak for 5-8min (can cover with foil) before serving.


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