这是一个韩式料理。辣白菜在韩国以及我们的鲜族被人们广泛食用。它独特的味道与猪肉一起烹饪,这个组合肯定让喜欢美食的朋友百吃不厌,快试试这个简单的菜肴吧。 This recipe is a Korean inspired recipe, fried pork belly with Korean spicy cabbage. This cabbage is a very well known taste with a very delicious unique flavor and when the pork takes on this flavor it’s a combination that’s sure to please any lover of delicious fine food. It’s an easy dish to make so give this one a try.
辣白菜(韩国泡菜) 200g, 猪五花肉 300g, 韩式辣酱 1茶勺tsp, 料酒 2茶勺tsp, 酱油 2茶勺tsp, 糖 1茶勺tsp, 葱、蒜苗 适量, 油、盐 适量