栗子烧土豆(Potato Stewed with Chestnut)


糖炒板栗(熟): 十几颗, 土豆: 一个, 八角: 一个, 老抽: 1/2大匙, 生抽: 1/2大匙, 海盐: 1/2小匙, 冰糖: 两三颗, 胡萝卜: 半根






  • pork bones stew with potatoes
  • 橄榄烧鸡肉 Chicken Stew with Olives
  • Sausages with mashed potatoes
  • 土豆菠菜沙拉 Spinach Salad with Potato
  • 番茄烧老豆腐( Stewed Bean Curd with Tomato)
  • 栗子土豆烧排骨
  • 小鸡蘑菇 Chicken stew with mushrooms
  • 迷迭香煎土豆( Fried Potato with Rosemary)
  • 烧鸭 (Roasted Duck with Christmas Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes
  • 土豆沙拉(Potato Salad)
  • Potato and leek soup with fried parsley
  • Scalloped Potatoes/Potato Gratin/Potato Dauphinoise/Potato Bake
  • 中餐 | 土豆栗子烧牛肉【独家】
  • 完美土豆色拉 potato salad
  • Country Potatoes 乡村风味土豆
  • Egg Sandwich with Jamie's Roast Potatoes
  • 栗子烧排骨
  • 栗子烧排骨
  • 栗子烧排骨
  • 香菇烧栗子
  • 香菇烧栗子
  • 栗子烧排骨
  • 栗子烧果子
  • 栗子烧白菜
  • 栗子烧白菜
  • 栗子土豆烧鸡
  • 土豆栗子烧肉
  • 栗子土豆烧肉
  • 烤羊排佐脆皮土豆 (Lamb bake with crispy potato topping)
  • potato salad
  • Lyonnaise Potatoes
  • 焗烤土豆盅.Potato bake.
  • 杰克烤土豆Jacket Potato
  • 烤土豆 Jacket Potato Round One
  • 【KK】抱子甘蓝羊肚菌酱炒栗子意式疙瘩 Chestnut Gnocchi with Brussels Sprouts