雞蛋,蛋黃蛋清分離: 6個, 苦甜巧克力,切塊: 4盎司(120克), 砂糖: 1/4杯(50克)+ 2湯匙(30克), 純香草精: 1茶匙, 塔塔粉: 3/4茶匙, 冷鮮奶油(40%乳脂): 1杯(240毫升), 純香草精: 1/2茶匙, 砂糖: 1湯匙(15克), 樹莓果醬: 1/3杯(80毫升)
1巧克力海綿蛋糕體:烤箱預熱至350華氏度(180攝氏度)並將烤架置於烤箱中層。17乘12英尺(43乘30厘米)烤盤內平鋪烘焙紙, 並在烘焙紙上塗抹黃油和麵粉(或者噴洒不沾油)。(原文:Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) and place the oven rack in the center of the oven. Butter, or spray with a non stick vegetable spray, a 17 by 12 inch (43 x 30 cm) sheet pan. Line the pan with parchment paper and then butter and flour the paper (or spray with vegetable/flour spray.)
2雞蛋低溫時分離蛋清蛋黃,分別放入兩個容器內。將兩個容器表面覆蓋保鮮膜放至室溫(大約30分鐘)(原文:While the eggs are still cold, separate the eggs, placing the whites in one bowl and the yolks in another. Cover with plastic wrap and bring to room temperature before using (takes about 30 minutes). )
3用一個不鏽鋼碗隔水加熱巧克力至融化。放涼至室溫。(原文:Meanwhile melt the chocolate in a stainless steel bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water. Let cool to room temperature.)
4電子打蛋器(或手動打蛋器)高速將蛋黃和1/4杯(50克)砂糖打發至濃稠蓬鬆狀(大約5分鐘)。加入香草精繼續打發。加入融化的巧克力攪拌均勻後放在一旁。(原文:In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer) place the egg yolks and 1/4 cup (50 grams) of sugar and beat, on high speed, until this mixture is thick, light and fluffy (about five minutes). Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the melted chocolate and beat only to combine. Set aside while you beat the egg whites.)
5在一個乾淨的打蛋盆里將蛋清打發至起泡階段。加入塔塔粉後繼續中速打發至軟性發泡階段。繼續邊打發變加入2茶匙(30克)砂糖直至硬性發泡階段。(原文:In a clean mixing bowl, with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the cream of tartar and beat at medium-high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in the remaining 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of sugar until stiff peaks form.)
6先將一小部分打發的蛋清加入巧克力麵糊中攪拌均勻。隨後將剩餘的蛋清和巧克力麵糊混合併攪拌均勻。(不要攪拌過度,否則會使打發的蛋清消泡)。將混合物倒入烤盤內進烤箱烘烤約15-17分鐘。輕壓蛋糕體表面回彈後說明蛋糕已烤熟。從烤箱內取出後放置晾架上降溫。蛋糕表面覆蓋潮毛巾有助於保持蛋糕內的水分。(原文:Gently fold a small amount of the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture using a rubber spatula or whisk to lighten the batter. Fold in the remaining whites just until incorporated. (Don't over mix or the batter will deflate.) Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pan with the back of a spoon, or an offset spatula. Bake until the cake is puffed,
7樹莓奶油霜:將打蛋盆放入冰箱內冷凍15分鐘。將鮮奶油,香草精和砂糖加入打蛋盆內打發至軟性發泡階段,加入樹莓果醬繼續打發至硬性發泡階段。(原文:Raspberry Whipped Cream: Place your mixing bowl and whisk attachment in the freezer for 15 minutes. Then place the whipping cream, vanilla extract, and sugar into the bowl and beat until soft peaks form. Add the jam and beat just until stiff peaks form.)
8待蛋糕體完全冷卻後將打發的樹莓奶油塗抹在蛋糕體表面後將蛋糕捲起,去掉烘焙紙。(原文:Once the cake has cooled, spread with the whipped cream and gently roll the cake, peeling off the parchment paper as you roll. )
- 雞蛋在低溫時候易分離蛋清蛋黃。但打發前需要放置至室溫,否則影像打發效果。 2.將烘焙紙上塗抹黃油是為了順利將烤好的蛋糕體與烘焙紙分離。 3.塔塔粉的作用是在蛋白打發過程中穩定蛋白並保證蛋白充分被打發。如沒有塔塔粉可考慮在打發蛋白時添加少量食鹽。 4.融化的巧克力一定要放置至室溫再添加入打起的蛋黃中攪拌均勻。 5. 本品密封冷藏可保存5天。