食用油: 1大匙, 洋蔥: 1/4個,切碎, 糙米: 1杯, 檸檬汁: 1/2個量, 水: 1/4杯, 墨西哥辣椒粉: 1/4小匙, 黑豆: 1/3杯(用罐頭需要排水和沖洗), 菠菜: 1、2把, 芫荽葉: 1/4杯, 山羊乳乾酪: 1盎司, 雞蛋: 1-2個, 牛油果: for topping
1In an 8" cast iron skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook for 5-6 minutes.在一個八寸的平底鐵鍋,中火加熱橄欖油,加入洋蔥,翻炒5-6分鐘。
2Add rice, lime, and chipotle powder, black beans, and water. Cook and stir until rice and black beans are heated加入糙米,青檸汁,墨西哥辣椒粉,黑豆和水。翻炒直到大米和黑豆加熱了。
3Incorporate spinach and cilantro, stirring until spinach begins to wilt.加入菠菜和芫荽葉,翻炒直到菠菜開始萎縮。
4Create well in the center of the skillet and crack egg(s) into the center. Sprinkle goat cheese on top, cover, and let cook until egg whites are set and yolk is done to desired firmness, 7-12 minutes.把中間留出位置然後打雞蛋進去。撒山羊奶酪在上面,加熱直到雞蛋成熟,需要7-12分鐘。
5Sprinkle with extra cilantro and serve.撒上多餘的芫荽葉,準備上桌。