材料:, 汤料:, 1) 清水 2升, 2) 白胡椒 10克(拍裂,放进汤袋中绑紧), 3) 黑蒜 200克(洗净,拨开成小瓣,保留外衣), 4) 煮汤猪骨 300克, 5) 排骨 500克(斩成5cm长), 6) 生抽 1 1/2汤匙, 7) 盐 适量, , Ingredients:, Stocks:, 1) 2 litres water, 2) 10g white peppercorns,crushed and wrap in small stock bag, 3) 200g smoked black garlic, cleaned,,cloves separated but not peeled, 4) 300g bones for stock, 5) 500g pork ribs (cut into 5cm length), 6) 1 1/2tbsp soy sauce, 7) Salt to taste
1做法: 1) 将汤料的材料放入汤锅中煮滚,然后转至小火煮大约3小时成香醇辛辣的胡椒汤。 2) 加入排骨再煮滚,转小火焖煮30分钟至排骨够软。 3) 加入生抽和盐调味,趁热配饭享用。 备注: 1) 煮锅热水将猪骨和排骨氽烫以去除血水和杂质。 2) 如果不喜欢辛辣的胡椒汤,可将汤料袋先捞上来,避免煮成太浓厚口味的肉骨茶汤。

2Method: 1) Put all the ingredients for stock into a bog pot and bring to boil, lower heat and leave to simmer for at least 3 hours to get pungent pepperish stock. 2) Add pork ribs and bring to boil again. Lower heat and cook for about 30 minutes till the meat is soft. 3) Season with soy sauce and salt to taste. Serve hot with rice. Note: 1) Blanch the pork ribs and bones in a pot of boiling water to remove the scum. 2) The pepperish taste can be controlled by removing the bag of pepper once the taste is enough for your liking.