野生北极虾300克 杭椒3根 红椒3根 干红辣椒10根 小米椒10根 大蒜3头调料:玉米淀粉3汤匙(45克) 辣椒酱2汤匙(30克) 番茄酱2汤匙(30克) 酱油1汤匙(5ml) 盐1/2茶匙(3克)
1)将北极虾放在室温融化到7成(虾身还有一点点小冰渣),用淀粉搅拌均匀备用。杭椒和红椒切成小圈儿(不需去籽)。大蒜去皮后切碎(不要用压蒜器),倒入小碗中倒入清水搅拌几下,倒入水后充分沥干。 2)锅烧热后倒入油,待油8成热时,用筷子把虾一个个的放入锅中,不要一次都倒进去,以免成团。炸到表面变成金黄色捞出。炸虾的油过滤掉杂质备用。 3)平底锅中倒入炸过虾的油,然后放入蒜末,用中火煸炒至金黄色后盛出。再倒入少许油,将杭椒,红椒和干红辣椒放入炒出香味后,倒入辣椒酱和番茄酱,调入酱油和盐。最后,放入炸好的虾和小米椒翻炒均匀即可。 超级�嗦: 野生北极虾不要放在水中解冻,尤其不要放在热水中解冻。做这道菜,北极虾要融化到7成,再烹制,可以保持水分。全部融化后烹制,会导致水分失去过多,口感发硬。因为,在这道菜的做法中,北极虾属于2次加热。 北极虾的虾头如果是黑色的,不要怕啊,那时北极虾吃的深海浮游生物,不是坏掉的表现。因为虾的胃在头部,当然,如果你觉的黑色的部分看了心里别扭,不吃也可以哈。 炒蒜末前,放在清水中稍微清洗一下,可以去除大蒜中的黏液,这样在炒香时,就不容易糊锅或粘锅底。炒这个菜,最好不要把蒜用压蒜器弄成泥再炒,容易黏成一团,而且,也不好看。 待炸虾的油冷却后,用漏网除去杂质,灌入瓶中,以后用来炒菜,味道很香。 Garlic Hot & Sour Coldwater Shrimp Ingredients: Wild coldwater shrimp: 300g Little hot green pepper: 3 Red pepper: 3 Dried chili pepper: 10 Pickled xiao mi pepper: 10 Garlic: 3 Seasoning: Corn starch: 3 soup spoon (45g) Chili sauce: 2 soup spoon (30g) Tomato paste: 2 soup spoon (30g) Soy sauce: 1 soup spoon (5ml) Salt: 1/2 tea spoon (3g) Directions: 1)Melt coldwater shrimp at room temperature until 70% melting (i.e. there is still a little ice remain on the shrimps’ bodies), then thinly coat them with some corn starch. Chop the little hot green peppers and red peppers into little rings (no need to take away the seeds) Peel the garlics and finely chop them (don’t use the garlic press), place the chopped garlics in a small bowl and mix with some water for a little while, and then dry them thoroughly 2)Heat up the wok and pour in some oil, when the oil is very hot (80% level), put in the coldwater shrimps into the oil one by one (don’t together); Fry the shrimps until their coats turn to golden, then take out from the wok and filter the fried oil. 3)Pour some filtered oil into a pan, add the chopped garlics and stir them until the their colour change to golden. Add some oil once again, put in the little green hot peppers, red peppers and dried chili peppers, stir them until the smell comes out and then add in chili sauce, tomato paste, soy sauce, and salt. Finally, add the fried coldwater shrimps and the pickled xiao mi pepper and finely chopped garlic, stir them well.Finish. {分解ing....}