Flour, strong baker's: 412g, Water: 257g, Salt: 8.2g, Instant yeast: 4g, Sugar: 20.5g, Milk powder: 20.5g, Butter: 41g
1Combine all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl fitted with dough hook.
2Mix for 5 minutes on 1st speed.
3Increase to 2nd speed for 8-10 minutes until fully developed.
4Half way through the 2nd speed, add butter cubes.
5Remove from mixing bowl and round up, Bulk ferment for 45 minutes.
6Divide into 450g units. Round up loosely and rest for 20 minutes.
7Shape as tight batard, per demo.
8Deposit into loaf pan and brush lightly melted butter.
9Final fermentation 90-120 minutes, 27°C and 75% RH.
10Bake at 195°C for 35 minutes, or until golden brown. (Bake 40 minutes, 20 minutes turn the tray, depends on oven)