材料:, 1) 猪肉碎 200g, 2) 虾肉 100g (剁碎), 3) 胜瓜 2条, 4) 芫荽 少许, 5) 辣椒 1 条, 。。。。。。。。。。。。。,, Ingredient:, 1) 200g minced pork , 2) Shrimp 100g (minced) , 3) Loofah 2, 4) Coriander 1 (chopped fine) , 5) Chili 1
1调味料A:(腌制酿肉的) 1) 盐1/2 茶匙 2) 胡椒粉 少许 3) 玉米粉 1茶匙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seasoning A (marinated minced meat) 1) ½ teaspoon salt 2) Pepper a little 3) Corn flour 1 teaspoon
2调味料B:(打芡的) 1) 蚝油 1汤匙 2) 绍兴酒 1汤匙 3) 蛋白 少许 4) 玉米粉水 5) 水 50ml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seasonings B (thickening sauce) 1) 1 tablespoon oyster sauce 2) 1 tablespoon Shaoxing rice wine 3) Protein little 4) Corn flour water
31) 猪肉碎虾肉加入调味料A和芫荽搅拌均匀至起胶 1) Minced pork, shrimp and coriander mix with the seasonings and stir well.
42) 胜瓜去皮切成棋子形状, 上面扑点玉米粉,把肉酿在上面, 辣椒切粒放在酿肉上面,隔水蒸8-10分钟.. 2) Loofah cut in small piece like my picture show, put some corn flour at top and minced meat put on top of Loofah, and steam for 8-10 minutes
53) 正好碟子里面有汤汁, 小心倒出来,不够可加些水, 用来打芡,把汤汁煮开, 加上蚝油和绍兴酒,煮滚了加入玉米粉水,最后再把蛋白倒进去慢慢搅拌。 3) After steam will have some soup, carefully pour out for thickening, if not enough can add some more water, add oyster sauce and Shaoxing wine, bring to soup boil, add the corn flour make the soup thicken and put the egg white and stir well

64) 蛋白芡淋在胜瓜上面就可以了.. 4) Then egg white sauce poured on top of the Loofah. Done