燕麦片: 250克, Grated green apple: 2, Cinnamon: 1 pinch, Natural Greek Yoghurt: 4 tbsp., Sultanas: 50g, Honey: 2 tbsp., Milk: 按需
1Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, then pour over enough milk to cover.
2Place in the fridge overnight and it will be ready for breakfast the following morning. It will keep for up to 3 days in a sealed tupperware dish.
3Keep in a cool bag until after racing and drink as soon as possible after you finish racing or exercising.
Food Safety – Best Practice Information Maintaining good food safety and hygiene practices is crucial to prevent food related illness. These guidelines are designed to provide information that will help you reduce the risk of illness. - Remember to always wash your hands before handling and preparing foods to limit contamination with bacteria - Perishable items should be carried in a cool bag and be kept chilled by using frozen ice packs. These foods must be eaten on the same day and any leftovers thrown away - Perishable foods should NOT be stored in lockers but be eaten on the same day or thrown away. - If you have perishable food that is not being kept chilled you must eat it within four hours and leftovers must be thrown away. - Salad and sandwiches with perishable fillings should also be kept chilled. - Whole fruit does not have to be kept chilled but chopped fruit salad should be kept in a cool bag. Some milkshakes are made with UHT milk and so do not have to be kept chilled until they are open – make sure that you check this.