黄瓜1根 梨1只 金糕1块(也叫山楂糕)盐1/4茶匙(盐)蜂蜜1汤匙(15ml)
1)将黄瓜洗净切细丝,梨去皮切细丝,金糕切细丝。将黄瓜丝和梨丝放入大碗中,调入盐和蜂蜜,改上保鲜膜腌制20分钟。 2)盛入盘中,撒上金糕丝即可。 超级�嗦: 香瓜,好吃,但冬天是木有滴,但你知道吗?用梨丝和黄瓜丝放在一起,加上调料再腌制一会,这两种味道的融合,最终出来的香味,和香瓜很象哦。本来黄瓜应该去皮的,但我觉得有点绿色,会比较好看。 金糕也叫山楂糕的东西,是酸酸甜甜的,即开胃又解腻。我敢拍著胸脯说,这道菜,可以说是一道饭前的开胃菜,也是一道餐后的爽口甜品。 **我个人最喜欢的山楂糕,是稻香村卖的,大概4块钱左右一包,能吃很久很久,而且,还可以给你的凉菜做色彩上的点缀。你叫这道菜鸿运当头也不为过哈。 Surprising Cucumber and Pear Salad Ingredients: Cucumber: 1 Pear: 1 Hawthorn cake: 1 piece Seasonings: Salt: 1/4 teaspoon Honey: 1 soupspoon(15ml) Directions: 1)Wash the cucumber and peel the pear, then finely shred the cucumber, pear, and hawthorn cake;Put the finely shredded cucumber and pear into a large bowl, add in the salt and honey then marinade for 20 minutes(cover with the cling film); 2)Place the marinaded cucumber and pear mix into a plate and decorate with the finely shredded hawthorn cake. Finish