小土豆Mini Potato: 6-8個, 黃瓜Cucumber: 1/2根, 胡蘿蔔Carrot: 1/2根, 洋蔥Onion: 1/4個, 黑胡椒粉Black Pepper: , 醬油Soy:
1水滾開,小土豆煮8-10分鐘; 熟了後,涼水過濾1-2遍; 剝皮,用勺子切成成小塊; 壓不壓泥隨意。 Boil the mini potatoes in the boiling water for 8-10mins, Flush the potatoes with iced water once or twice, Peel off the skins of potatoes and slice them into little pieces, It's okay to not mash them.
2洋蔥丁在油鍋里爆炒; 加上黃瓜丁、胡蘿蔔丁; Fry cubed onions with Oliver oil, Then add cubed cucumber and carrots.
3土豆也加進鍋里; 加黑胡椒粉,醬油。 Add the mashed potato, With black pepper and soy.
4完成。 Finished.