白面包土司2片, whitebread2slices, 格魯耶乾酪(或者其它易融的奶酪)1片(適量), GruyereCheese1thickslice, 火腿1片, ham1slice, 黃油15克, butter15g, 鹽,黑胡椒調味適量, salt適量
1 一片麵包上塗上一層黃油。放上奶酪,火腿。把另外一片麵包蓋上。質量的壓一下。 Spread one slice of bread with butter. Top with cheese and ham. Put the other slice of bread on top and push down.
2 等平底鍋熱後放入奶酪等融化放入做好的麵包。把兩邊煎至金黃即可。 Drop butter into a hot frypan and once butter is melted shallow fry the sandwich one side at a time until cripy and golden.
3 等平底鍋熱後放入奶酪等融化放入做好的麵包。把兩邊煎至金黃即可。 Drop butter into a hot frypan and once melted shallow fry the sandwich one side at a time until cripy and golden.
4 煮個嫩雞蛋,煎香一到兩塊培根一起吃外加的滿足!
5 煮個嫩雞蛋,煎香一到兩塊培根一起吃外加的滿足! Try the dish with a poached soft yolk egg and a slice of bacon for extra kick to the dish!