1)肉餡中調入蔥花,薑末,香菇碎,醬油,料酒,鹽,味精和香油,用筷子延同一方向攪拌出勁兒備用; 2)將麵粉中倒入五香粉,小蘇打,用啤酒調成麵糊,以沾筷子並自然流動的狀態為準即可; 3)蓮藕去皮,放入開水中焯燙10分鐘,撈出後切成5毫米厚的片,再從中間切一刀,但不要切到底; 4)將切好的蓮藕片打開,中間塞入肉餡,沾上面糊。鍋中倒入寬油,油8成熱時,放入鍋中,炸至雙面金黃即可,蘸食椒鹽使用味道更好。 超級�嗦: 肉餡加入調料後,一定要沿著同一個方向攪打出勁兒,在最後炸的時候才不易脫落。而且,也能保證肉餡口感充滿彈性; 這道菜建議大家用啤酒代替清水來調糊掛漿,這樣做出的藕盒會非常鮮嫩、香脆; Fried Lotus Root Box Ingredients: Lotus root: 2 Pork mince: 100g Chive: 1 Ginger: 1 Water-soaked fragrant mushroom: 4 Soy sauce: 1 soupspoon(15ml) Cooking wine: 1 teaspoon (5ml) Salt: 1/2 teaspoon(3g) Monosodium glutamate(MSG): 1/4 teaspoon(1g) Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon(5ml) Flour: 100g Five spices powder: 1/2 teaspoon(3g) Baking soda: 1/4 teaspoon(1g) Szechuan pepper salt: 1 teaspoon(5g) (for dipping) Beer: proper amount Directions: 1)Finely chop the chive, ginger, and soaked fragrant mushrooms, mix with the pork mince; Also add in the soy sauce, cooking wine, MSG, and sesame oil, then mix all these ingredients with chopsticks clockwise until this mince mix seems glutinous; 2)Combine the five spices powder, baking soda, flour and beer, mix well and make sure this flour mix is thick enough(can stay onthe chopstick and flow smoothly); 3)Peel the lotus roots, put into the boiled water blanch for 10 minutes; Take out and chop into 5mm thickness slices; And then at each slice, cut once from the middle but do not thoroughly cut off(i.e. make a gap as the picture shows); 4)Fill in the mixed mince into the gap of each lotus root slice, then put on a layer of flour mix; Pour enough oil into a wok, put in the filled and floured lotus root boxes when the oil is very hot(8/10 heat), fry until golden; It's better to serve with Szechuan pepper salt dipping if you like. Finish