Cream cheese: 225g, Mascarpone cheese: 125g, Heavy cream: 100g, Castor Sugar糖霜: 70g, Egg yolk蛋黃: 一個, Lemon juice檸檬汁: 5ml, Vanilla extract: 5ml, #Tart 塔皮: , Cake flou低粉: 220g, Egg雞蛋: 1一個, Butter牛油: 100g, Confectioner’s sugar 糖: 60g, #額外: , butter 用來抹模具: , egg white雞蛋清:
1#塔皮製作 1.Cream soften butter and sifted confectioner’s sugar together until light and fluffy 把冰凍過的牛油和糖一起用打蛋器打發。 2.Add egg and whisk until well combined 加入雞蛋,在稍微用打蛋器打一下 3.Fold in half of flour to form crumbs 放入一半的低筋麵粉,用刮刀攪拌均勻 4. Add in the rest of the flour forming dough 加入剩餘的麵粉,用刮刀攪拌均勻 5. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes 用保鮮膜包好放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘
2#烤塔皮 6. Portion 30g (1.05oz) of dough for each tart 把剛才冷藏的塔皮分成每份30g 7. Press dough into a tart mold to form crust 把塔皮按壓到模具里-這個時候要用黃油塗抹模具方便之後脫模。 8. Refrigerate molds for 30 min to prevent the dough from shrinking 把塔皮+模具放回冰箱冷藏30分鐘 9. Preheat oven to 180°C (375°F) 預熱烤箱180度 10. Dock the bottom of the crust with a fork 取出剛才冷藏的塔皮 用叉子在底部插一些孔 11. Scrunch pieces of parchment paper and line above the dough 用防粘的紙墊在塔上,加一些有重量的東西,我在這裡加的是大米。 12. Put baking weighs to weigh down the parchment 13. Blind
3#製作芝士心 14. Cream together cream cheese and mascarpone cheese 順序一定不能亂!!先攪拌均勻cream cheese(比較難拌勻可以切成小塊再拌 或者等稍微軟化),然後加入mascarpone這個是一種義大利的芝士要在烘焙店買。 15. Add heavy cream and beat it until all incorporate 加入heavy cream,我用的是whipping cream 攪拌均勻 16. Add sugar and mix until no sugar crystals are visible 加入糖霜拌勻 17. Add in lemon juice, egg yolk and vanilla extract, whisk until smooth 加入檸檬汁和vanilla 這個可以選擇不加。 18. Refrigerate filling until use 放進冰箱 等到用的時候再拿出來
4#烤塔皮-第二次 19. Remove weights from tart shells and coat a thin layer of egg white on the shells 把放在塔上的不沾紙和用來壓的米都拿出來。 20. Return shells to oven and bake for 5 minutes 這裡刷上雞蛋白 然後在放到烤箱烤5分鐘
5#放入芝士心 21. Put the filling in a piping bag for easy control 22. Pipe generous amount of cheese filling into the tart shells 用裱花袋把芝士心放到塔上面 23. Bake whole tart for 10 minutes 然後把整個塔放回烤箱烤10分鐘 24. Served hot for lava effect
Tips I. If you want a golden brown top, add egg wash above cheese filling II. You can add 1 tbsp of finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano for a more complex cheese flavour III. It must be kept in the refrigerate if not eaten straight away IV. If you do not have baking weights, you can use baked beans, uncooked rice or even pennies to weigh them down