野生北極蝦200克 青蒜(蒜苗)10根 李錦記蒜蓉辣椒醬1湯匙(15克) 李錦記豆瓣醬2湯匙(30克) 干紅辣椒8根調料:醬油1湯匙(15ml)
1)北極蝦自然解凍後用清水沖洗後瀝干備用。青蒜切成3毫米長的小粒。將蒜蓉辣椒醬和豆瓣醬混合。 2)鍋燒熱倒入油,待油5成熱時,放入干紅辣椒,放入兩種醬炒出香味後,放入北極蝦,調入醬油翻炒幾下,最後倒入青蒜粒後馬上關火,再翻炒均勻即可出鍋。 超級�嗦: 青蒜,李錦記的蒜蓉辣椒醬和豆瓣醬,這三樣東西混合在一起,無論你炒什麼菜都會好吃,蘑菇,土豆,胡蘿蔔,雞肉,魚,等等等等,你還是自己發揮吧。 青蒜是北京的叫法,在中國的很多地方,大家管青蒜叫做蒜苗,而北京所謂的蒜苗又是另外一種東西,非北京人叫蒜薹。只要用青蒜做菜,就要一遍遍不停的解釋,強烈建議有關部分統一下中國蔬菜的名稱吧,否則早晚得累死幾個廚子。 **野生北極蝦,是在深海中生長的蝦,也叫北極甜蝦,北極冰蝦,野生蝦,冷水蝦。打撈之後,在船上半小時內就已加工熟並冷凍。解凍後可以直接食用,味道有輕微甜味。如果熱炒,不要時間太久,否則會流失水分影響口感。 Spicy Coldwater Shrimp with Garlic Sprout Ingredients: Wild coldwater shrimp: 200g Garlic sprout: 10 Lee Kum Kee chili garlic sauce: 1 soup spoon (15g) Lee Kum Kee chili bean sauce: 2 soup spoon (30g) Dried chili pepper: 8 Seasoning: Soy sauce: 1 soup spoon (15ml) Directions: 1)Let the coldwater shrimps melt naturally, then wash with tap water and dry; Finely chop the garlic sprout into about 3mm; Mix the garlic chili sauce and the chili bean sauce; 2)Heat up the wok and pour some oil, when the oil is quite hot (5/10 hot), add the dried chili pepper and the two-sauce mix; When the smell comes out, add the coldwater shrimps and the soy sauce, stir fry for a little while; Finally, add the finely chopped garlic sprout and turn off the heat immediately, mix well. Finish