cauliflower(菜花): 1/2 head(1/2棵), sour cream(酸奶油): 1/4 cup, salt(鹽): , pepper(胡椒粉): , butter(黃油): , heavy cream(鮮奶油): , feta(菲達奶酪): , cheddar(切達奶酪): , ham(火腿): , mushroom(蘑菇):
1修剪菜花,並切成小塊。Trim the cauliflower and cut it into bite sized florets.
2鍋中燒開水,轉小火。將菜花放蒸架上蒸10分鐘左右,熟至能輕易用叉子插入。Set a half inch of water to boil in a pot. Reduce the flame to a simmer and steam florets in a steam basket with a tightly fitting lid for about 10 minutes or until easily pierced with a fork.
3濾干水份,把菜花放入盆中,加入鹽和胡椒粉調味。Drain the water from the pot and add the cauliflower back in. Season with salt and pepper.
4加入1/4杯酸奶油(也可以加2湯匙鮮奶油和黃油),酸奶也是不錯的選擇。Add 1/4 cup of sour cream (you can also use 2 tbsp of heavy cream and butter if you like). Yogurt would also be a good option!
5用手持攪拌器攪拌至蓬鬆奶油狀。Using an immersion blender, blend the florets until they're fluffy and creamy.
6加料選擇:1、蘑菇&龍蒿 2、橄欖&菲達奶酪 3、火腿&切達奶酪(隨意加入任意你喜歡的配料,當然,要符合生酮的低碳水原則)Dress with any mix ins you like! We like 3 different ones: mushrooms & tarragon, olives & feta, and ham & cheddar.
steam basket: 食譜中這個steam basket的亞馬遜連結,其實感覺跟我們的蒸架意思差不多嘛