黃油: 170克, 糖(可以減少到150克): 160克, 雞蛋: 3個, 天然香草精: 1茶匙, 香蘭汁: 1湯匙, 香蘭精: 1茶匙, 自發粉: 155克, 蛋糕粉: 30克, 椰奶: 150克, 椰蓉(可選): , Butter: 170g, Sugar (can reduce to 150g): 160g, Eggs: 3, Natural vanilla extract: 1tsp, Pandan juice: 1tbp, Pandan essence: ½ tsp, Self raising flour: 155g, cake flour: 30g, coconut milk: 150g, Desiccated coconut (optional):
11。烤箱預熱至170或180'c 1.Preheat the oven to 170 or 180』c
22。用電動攪拌器把奶油,砂糖一起打直到輕和濃稠。慢慢的加入雞蛋,然後加香草精,香蘭汁和香蘭精,每次加入後拌勻。 2. Beat the butter, sugar together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, on at a time, add vanilla extract, pandan juice and pandan essence, beating well after each addition.
33。篩入麵粉和椰奶交替的倒入步驟2的成分里。 3. Sift the flours together and fold in alternately with the coconut milk into ingredient step 2.
44。平均分配混合物倒入容器或紙杯。撒上椰絲在混合物。烤15分鐘或用叉子插入蛋糕的中心,直到叉子乾淨為至。 4. Divide the mixture evenly among the case or paper cup. Sprinkle desiccated coconut on the mixture. Bake for 15mins or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre of a cake.
55。轉移到架上晾涼。 5.Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.