黃豆芽250克 胡蘿蔔1根 香菜2根調料:花椒10粒鹽1茶匙(5克)味精1/4茶匙(1克)香油少許
1)黃豆芽洗凈,將胡蘿蔔去皮切成絲。香菜洗凈切成3厘米長的段。 2)鍋中倒入水燒開後放入黃豆芽焯燙1分鐘,撈出放在漏網上。放入胡蘿蔔絲焯燙20秒鐘撈出放在黃豆芽上瀝干水分。 3)將黃豆芽,胡蘿蔔絲和香菜倒入大碗中,調入鹽,味精,香油拌勻。用勺子燒熱花椒油潑在上面,再攪拌均勻即可。 超級�嗦: 這個菜如果再放上一些黃瓜絲會更好吃,但我拍攝時才想起忘記買了。黃豆芽,我發現家樂福超市賣的不錯,很新鮮也不貴。如果你喜歡吃綠豆芽,做法是一樣的哈。 用勺子燒花椒油可以避免浪費,但在燒的時候一定注意安全,千萬不要開大火,用燃氣灶最小最小一檔的火力就足夠了。燒到花椒開始變色,就關火潑在菜上,否則花椒燒糊了,其實麻味就不足夠了。 **黃豆芽一斤最多2塊錢,但我們就用一半就夠了,大概1塊錢吧。一根胡蘿蔔也就4毛錢,再加上其它的亂七八糟的東西,這個菜說2塊錢,不過分吧? Ingredients : Soybean sprout: 250g Carrot: 1 Coriander: 2 Seasonings: Szechuan pepper: 10 Salt: 1 teaspoon (5g) Monosodium glutamate (MSG): 1/4 teaspoon (1g) Sesame oil: a little amount Directions: 1)Throughly wash the soybean sprouts;Peel off and finely shred the carrot;Wash the corianders and cut into 3cm; 2)Boil some water in a saucepan, when boiling, add in the soybean sprouts and blanch for 1 minute, then dry them with a filter;Blanch the shredded carrot for 20 seconds, and then also dry with the filter; 3)Place the soybean sprouts, shredded carrot, and coriander into a big bowl, add salt, MSG and sesame oil, mix well; Make some hot Szechuan pepper oil with a frying spoon, then pour on the dish immediately and mix well. Finish