野生北極蝦200克 三文魚100克 生菜葉6片 薑絲少許 米飯1碗調料:鹽1茶匙(5克)白鬍椒粉1/2茶匙(3克)
1)將北極蝦去皮去頭,三文魚切成1cm的小丁,放入碗中,放入薑絲和白鬍椒粉腌制。生菜洗凈後用手撕成小塊。 2)鍋中倒入清水,大火煮開後倒入米飯,用勺子壓散後,改中小火煮20分鐘。放入腌制好的北極蝦和三文魚粒(薑絲也一起放入),待魚粒變色後,放入生菜葉,調入鹽後攪勻後即可。 超級羅嗦: 野生北極蝦是生長在純凈,無污染的北冰洋和北大西洋深海的蝦。大家對食品安全問題越來越擔憂,比起那些受到污染的水產,野生北極蝦和同樣來自深海的三文魚,都是可以放心食用的海產品。 野生北極蝦營養豐富,含有大量優質的不飽和脂肪酸,對中老年人有降低血壓,血脂,軟化血管,預防冠心病和哮喘病的作用。對年輕女性有保持皮膚狀態平衡的美容作用。對孕產婦有明顯降低產後抑鬱症的作用。對嬰幼兒還有促進智力發育的作用。 水開後再倒入米飯,米粒表面會出現許多細微的裂紋,更容易開花滲出澱粉質。澱粉質不斷溶於水中,粥就會比較粘稠。而且也可以避免冷水放入米飯煮粥產生的黏鍋底的麻煩。 熬粥會有溢鍋的現象,為了防止湯汁外溢,可以在煮粥的過程中,在鍋內加入5,6滴色拉油。或者鍋中放一把勺子,改變水的沸騰方向,可以避免溢鍋的煩惱。 Coldwater Shrimp and Lettuce Congee (Salted) Ingredients: Wild coldwater shrimp: 200g Salmon: 100g Lettuce leaves: 6 pieces Shredded ginger: proper amount Cooked (steamed) rice: 1 (little) bowl Seasoning: Salt: 1 teaspoon (5g) Ground white pepper: 1/2 teaspoon (3g) Directions: --Preparation: Peel the coldwater shrimp, chop the salmon into small pieces (around 1cm 3 ); Place them in a bowl, mix with shredded ginger and ground white pepper; --Cooking: Add water into a deep pan, let the water boil over high-heat; Then add the cooked rice into the boiled water and loose the rice; Turn the gas to medium heat; After 20 minutes, add marinaded coldwater shrimps and salmon (with shredded ginger); Add lettuce leaves until salmon change colour; Finally, add salt and the congee is perfectly ready for serving. (分解ing....)